Free legal advice Don’t talk to police!

(Video Transcript)
Here’s some free legal advice. If you find yourself in a situation where you are being questioned by police, the best thing that you can do for yourself is to state that you want an attorney and then stop talking, stop talking, period. You don’t know what they know, you don’t know what seemingly innocent information that you may give to an officer, maybe later used against you. There is a reason why you have a right to remain silent and you should stand on it. That is the best thing that you can do for yourself. And when I say you say, you want an attorney, I don’t mean you ask, do I need an attorney? I think I might need an attorney? I don’t know, officer, detective, should I get an attorney? No, you state clearly you want an attorney and you do not want to speak with them unless you have an attorney present and then, stop talking. Period. End of story. If there is any advice that time and time again, I wish people would follow, It is this. It is the best thing that you can do for yourself, because trust me, you’re not talking yourself out of something with law enforcement. So tell them you want an attorney, and stop talking.

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