Surviving Coronavirus as a Business

Brian Webb Legal can help overcome practical and legal issues caused by COVID-19.

On March 25, 2020, because of the coronavirus, the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare issued an Order requiring individuals living in Idaho to Self-Isolate. Individuals may only leave their homes for “essential” activities or to an “essential” service. The impact of the coronavirus will likely impact the lives of people for many years to come. We encourage everyone to adhere to the guidelines and rules set forth in the Order in order to protect the health and well-being of people everywhere, and especially those more susceptible to its effects.

The economic consequence felt by businesses will be challenging to overcome. Many face having to lay off employees, shut down, seek financing, or a combination of each. Even technology presents new hurdles to overcome. As we and our communities together face these challenges, please know that the Team at Brian Webb Legal is here for you, your families, and your business.

Brian Webb Legal is open and actively assisting individuals and small businesses manage and respond to daily changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. We have the technology to meet and by phone or video conference. We can review documents together online and collaborate as if you were present with us in our office. In addition, we can help you implement technologies for your own businesses and navigate the operational and legal implications particular to your unique circumstance. Such things include:

  1. Understanding your right to economic relief and funds under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act (Click here to see our post on the CARES Act)
  2. Providing insight on your inability to meet your contractual obligations
  3. Legally protecting your assets, investments, and equity
  4. Negotiating with creditors
  5. Filing bankruptcy
  6. Planning your estate and how or when people may act on your behalf

We are confident that our understanding of estate planning, tax, business, real estate, and finance, allow for us to offer a big-picture perspective that may provide you with clarity and confidence allowing you to make difficult decisions. In doing so, our goal is to develop with you a lasting relationship by representing you with integrity and candid concern. Please contact us today if you have questions about your business or would like more information about what we can offer.